Title: |
Advertising and Consumers’ Patronage of Abakaliki Rice in South-East Nigeria |
Author(s): |
Stella NELSON-OGBAEJA, Chituru Chinonso MBAM & Nelson Iroabuchi OGBAEJA |
Abstract: |
This study evaluated influence of advertising on consumers’ patronage of Abakaliki rice by the residents of South East Nigeria. The rationale for this study is because every good advertisement is targeted at making prospective consumers to patronize the advertised products or services. On this note, it becomes important to find out the opinion of South East residents on advertising and patronage of Abakaliki rice. The descriptive survey method was used to carry out the study with a population of 11,831.754. A sample size of 385 was drawn from the population using Australian Calculator sample size determination formula while a multistage sampling technique was used to select the sample size for this study. Questionnaire was instrument of data collection used to generate data. Data collected were presented in charts. The findings showed that majority of the respondents were moderately exposed to the advertisement of Abakaliki rice. It was also found that the respondents were moderately influenced by the advertisement due to the challenges of irregularity and inconsistency of the advertisement and consequently average level of consumers’ patronage of Abakaliki rice in South East Nigeria. This study recommended that the advertising agency and its media should improve on their advertisement campaigns and quality of Abakaliki rice to attract higher and regular patronage in South East Nigeria. |
Keywords: |
Advertising, consumer patronage, influence, Abakaliki rice