Title: Communicating the Use of Insecticide Treated Mosquito Nets in the Fight Of Malaria in Ebonyi State
Author(s): Nsude Ifeyinwa
Abstract: The focus of this work is on the fight against malaria in Ebonyi State by creating awareness on the use of Long Lasting Insecticide Mosquito Nets (LLINs). The impact of malaria in Nigeria and Africa in general is devastating because a lot of people particularly pregnant women and children under the age of five have lost their lives through malaria. It is in realization of this fact that many governments (particularly in developing countries) non-government agencies such the World Bank, World Health Organization, good spirited individuals, among others, have embarked on serious fight against malaria. For instance, in 1997, Nigeria adopted its first national malaria control policy that identified malaria control as a priority health programme. Furthermore, Nigeria’s Roll Back Malaria (RBM) programme was launched in 1998. The goal of the programme is to halve the world’s malaria burden by 2010 with further reductions over subsequent years to achieve an overall reduction of 80% in 2013. Today emphasis is laid on the use of Long Lasting Insecticide Net which is the focus of this work. Despite these efforts malaria scourge still exists in Nigeria and particularly Ebonyi State which is the area of this study. However, the health development planners recognize the crucial role of Communication in Developmental Process. This implies that Communication is Central in any type of development.
Keywords: Communication. Malaria Prevention. Ebonyi state. Insecticide Treated Mosquito Nets

Agatha Orji-Egwu Ph.D


Kenneth Adibe Nwafor, Ph.D


Barr. H. N. Aligwe, Ph.D

Ifeyinwa Nsude, Ph.D

Chike Onwe, Ph.D

Simon Ezaka, Ph.D


Jonathan E. Aliede, Ph.D