Title: Communication Discourse and Young People Involvement in the Preservation of Environmental Values in Nigeria
Author(s): Idamah Patrick AKPOGHIRAN
Abstract: Value is a strong psychological factor that affects people’s personality, decisions, beliefs, and actions, and the environment. The need to protect and preserved the environment also depends on much we attached values to the environment. The aim of the study was to ascertain young people involvement in preservation of environmental value. Young people are increasingly disconnected from environmental values discussion but are more concerned about materialistic values. The study was anchored on value-belief-norm, it explains the link between values, beliefs, norms and decisions and the environment. There were 92 participants drawn from 110 young people between the ages of 17-30. The participants were drawn from Effurun in Delta State, and were administered with structured questionnaire designed to measure their understanding of environmental value (UEV), environmental value discourse (EVD) and personal decision and attitude to uphold environmental value. Using percentage, average mean, and chi-square to analysed the data obtained, the results showed that young people had a wide understanding of environmental matters but communication discourse to encourage and motivate them in environmental values was poor. Poor environmental discourse poor affects preservation in environmental values. Environmental values determine extent to environmental attitude and behaviour. Regular conversation and discourse in environmental issues by young people in various communication platforms can trigger environmental values.
Keywords: Communication; Discourse; Environmental Values; Young People; Preservation

Agatha Orji-Egwu Ph.D


Kenneth Adibe Nwafor, Ph.D


Barr. H. N. Aligwe, Ph.D

Ifeyinwa Nsude, Ph.D

Chike Onwe, Ph.D

Simon Ezaka, Ph.D


Jonathan E. Aliede, Ph.D