Title: Communication in Offshore Safety Management among Oil Producing Companies in Nigeria: The Case of Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited
Author(s): Grace U. Nwagbara, Emmanuela Lawrence Ibok & Solomon Terungwa Chile
Abstract: This study investigated communication and Offshore Safety Management in Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited. The survey research method was adopted, using questionnaire and Focus Group Discussion Guide for data collection. A sample size of 378 respondents comprising only offshore location workers was drawn from the population of 5350 in the Qua Iboe Terminal on which copies of the questionnaire were administered. However, 366 were returned and used for data analysis, while test of hypotheses was achieved using Pearson Product Moment Correlation formula. Findings show that, although Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited engages different communication strategies to communicate safety measures to employees at the offshore location, compliance with such safety strategies was inadequate, and the safety of such employees was not well guaranteed. It is also found that not all forms of safety communication strategies were useful and may have been adhered to by the employees of the company to ensure effective management of their safety. Again, there were barriers hindering the effective use of communication programmes to ensure effective offshore safety Management by the company. Some of which are cultural, hidden old ages and physical disabilities, differences in levels of understanding, lack of steady research and evaluation in the communication forms and their manner of execution. It was recommended that, Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited should consider research as its major priority and always evaluate and re-evaluate its different programmes or strategies of safety communication to discover irrelevant ones for replacement. The company should ensure consistent and routine monitoring of its employees on compliance to safety rules. Management of the company should draw out short term programmes and develop a culture of re-assessing its overall safety programmes and offshore employees on short terms to determine their levels of progress in safety measures. In this way, barriers or faults may always be detected quickly and corrections will be made.
Keywords: Communication, Safety Management,Employees’ Security, Offshore Safety, Management

Agatha Orji-Egwu Ph.D


Kenneth Adibe Nwafor, Ph.D


Barr. H. N. Aligwe, Ph.D

Ifeyinwa Nsude, Ph.D

Chike Onwe, Ph.D

Simon Ezaka, Ph.D


Jonathan E. Aliede, Ph.D