Title: Evaluation of ‘Edu-Corps’ Effectiveness as Child-Education Television Campaign in Delta State
Author(s): Oghenetega Joy ONOVUGHAKPO
Abstract: This study investigated the effectiveness of “Edu-Corps” as a child-education television campaign among residents of Delta State. It used the survey method to study 384 respondents in Delta State. The objectives of study were to find the extent to which residents of Delta State who watch television are aware of “Edu-Corps” in the state; to evaluate the extent to which viewers understand the reason for introduction of the “Edu-Corps” programme; determine the extent to which the viewers believe the “Edu-Corps” programme has encouraged viewers to withdraw children from the street as hawkers and send them to school. Findings show that residents of Delta State are aware of television campaign programmes on the “Edu-Corps”, residents understand why the “Edu-Corps” was established, and they believe “Edu-Corps” is capable of removing children from streets as hawkers. The findings also show that “Edu-Corps” television message have moved viewers to withdraw children from the street as hawkers and send them to school as students. The study recommended among others, that more emphasis should be made on the reasons for removing children from the street as hawkers than merely asking them to go to school. The study further suggested that if parents were told the hazards faced by the street hawker, then they would be better informed as to the cost-benefit considerations.
Keywords: evaluation, edu-corps, effectiveness, child

Agatha Orji-Egwu Ph.D


Kenneth Adibe Nwafor, Ph.D


Barr. H. N. Aligwe, Ph.D

Ifeyinwa Nsude, Ph.D

Chike Onwe, Ph.D

Simon Ezaka, Ph.D


Jonathan E. Aliede, Ph.D