Title: Evaluation of Radio Communicative Effectiveness on Flood Education and Control in Ibadan and Osogbo Towns of South-West, Nigeria
Author(s): Titiloye Oyeyinka Ojo
Abstract: Background: Floods in Nigeria have invoked more harm on citizens with so much regret. Nigerian cities such as Ibadan and Osogbo have experienced drastic development with no physical infrastructure like good road, drainages, wide canals and bridges to allow free-flow of erosion. Hence, these have made floods to be an uncontrollable monster that inflicts pains on many Nigerian cities. Objective: This research assesses radio communicative effectiveness on flood education and control in Ibadan and Osogbo, Southwest, Nigeria. Materials and Method: This study adopted descriptive survey and structured interview methods. Questionnaire and structure interview guide was utilized for the collection of data. Quota sampling was in the first instance adopted to decide the selection of 60 samples from each of the selected cities. Simple random sampling technique was also used to select 120 sample size for this research work. Out of 120 questionnaire distributed, 100 copies were returned valid for analysis. Descriptive statistics was employed for data analysis using statistical tools such as tables, values, frequencies and percentages. Structured interviews conducted on the selected professionals were corroborated with the survey findings. Results: This study found out that the selected radio stations were consistent in their coverage and reportage of flood issues in the selected cities. It revealed that the respondents perceived that the information disseminated to educate the public on flood control by these radio stations is effective ranging from pre-disasters and post-disasters periods. It also established that the flood victims interviewed expressed painful experiences regarding the flood disasters across board. Finally, it showed that government interventions to salvage the flood situations in the selected cities are not encouraging and there is dire need for improvement. Conclusion: This study concluded that the selected radio stations communication effectiveness on flood issues in the selected cities is high, consistent and impactful but there is still an urgent need for improvement. Unique contribution: The unique contribution of this study is to establish radio as a strong medium for education, emancipation and development. Key Recommendation: This study recommended that the Nigerian media should step-up actions on their agenda setting and surveillance role. Policy should be implemented by government on flood control education. Finally, grassroots based communication should be encouraged to enhance residents knowledge of flood control, protection systems and risk management.
Keywords: Assessment, Media communicative effectiveness, Floods education control, Ibadan and Osogbo, South-We

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