Title: Perception of Virtual Dating and Relationship Building among Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University Undergraduates Students, Igbariam
Author(s): Chioma R. Chime-Nganya & Ekwutosi Sanita Nwakpu
Abstract: Social media has become part of everyday life as people establish relationships, maintain connectedness and interact with love ones separated by culture and distance. Different studies by media scholars and gurus have found that social media has become pertinent part of everyday life that cannot be abolished even though it comes with implications (both negative and positive). It is against this background that this study through survey -questionnaire examined perception of virtual dating and relationship among undergraduate student of Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Nigeria. The aims were to find out how many students of the University own or have access to internet-enabled devices that enable them to date and form a relationship outside their campus. Also to determine their perception of the use of social media platforms for virtual dating and relationships formation. 370 respondents were selected for the study. Findings showed that undergraduates students studied own and have access to internet-enabled devices which have exposed them to dating and relationship formations with the use of social media. The findings also showed that dating and relationships formed on social media are not credible as some are built on deceptions and lies as perceived by users.
Keywords: Perception, Virtual dating, Relationship Undergraduates, Students

Agatha Orji-Egwu Ph.D


Kenneth Adibe Nwafor, Ph.D


Barr. H. N. Aligwe, Ph.D

Ifeyinwa Nsude, Ph.D

Chike Onwe, Ph.D

Simon Ezaka, Ph.D


Jonathan E. Aliede, Ph.D