- Authors should write their names and their paper titles, first name first, then middle name and surname last with their highest qualification only, rank, phone number, e-mail and department of institution.
- Only the front cover of an article should bear the author's name and particulars.
- Every article should have an abstract of not more than 200 words followed by not more than 5 key words derived from the article.
- Body text should be typed 12 points in Times New Roman. Alignment should be justified. Paragraphs should be indented with one tab (no block paragraphing). Line spacing should be 1.5 lines.
- Articles should not be more than 8,000 words or 15 pages.
- Authours should be consistent in spelling – either American English or British English.
- Referencing should be in the APA style, 6th edition and listed at the end of the article in strict alphabetical order.
- Papers must be rich in references and literature/empirical citations. Except in rare circumstances, references and literature citations should not be above 10 years.
- Papers are to be submitted by e-mail to ebsujmc@yahoo.com (as a Word document attachment using Microsoft Office Word).
- Authors should always read the guidelines before submitting their papers as non-conformity may lead to rejection.
- All papers received shall be sent to two or more assessors on a blind review format. Our assessors are Professors (or at least Associate Professors or Readers) of communication studies drawn from reputable universities in Nigeria and in the Diaspora.
- The review process usually takes two to three weeks. Papers are accepted for publication subject to no substantive, stylistic editing. The Editor reserves the right to make any necessary changes in the papers, or requests the author(s) to do so, or rejects the paper submitted. A copy of the edited paper along with the first proofs will be sent to the author(s) for proofreading, correction or reworking. This should be done and returned to the Editor within seven days. Once the final version of the paper has been accepted, author(s) are requested not to make further changes to the text.
- All manuscripts received shall be subjected to plagiarism check and result must be within the acceptable level of ebsujmc. Manuscripts with results higher than the acceptable level shall be rejected even where it passes the reviewers’ assessment.
- All correspondence should be directed to:
The Editor, EBSU Journal of Mass Communication Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nigeria +2348032642595
E-mail: kenadibenwafor@gmail.com